The AT-1553-BMUX unit is a standalone 1553 Bus Multiplexing Unit that can be used to multiplex multiple Bus Stubs to a single Bus stub. This shall be particularly useful in applications wherein multiple stubs need to be connected to a single 1553 node. The unit has a maximum of 16 Input Bus stubs and any of these can be selected to be routed to one Bus stub output. Thus it functions as a 16 to 1 Bus stub Multiplexer.
Selection and control of this unit shall be through software (windows based provided along with the card). The unit shall communicate with the host PC on USB (RS232 optional) interface. Expansion to accommodate more input stubs is possible with additional unit. The unit shall not interfere with any of the electrical characteristics of the 1553 bus lines, but only switch the selected bus stub to the output bus stub. Hardware
The AT-1553-BMUX unit comes with 16 socket connectors, one for each of the Input bus stub. There shall be one socket connector for output bus stub. The connectors and connections of the bus stub are as shown in the block diagram. The hardware shall be a standalone unit with external power supply (+5VDC) input and USB port (RS232 optional) port for host control. The unit shall have the necessary relays for switching of the input bus stubs to the outputs. The relays shall be controlled through on-board circuitry under the command of a USB port.
More input stubs could be multiplexed using an additional unit. Since a MIL-STD-1553 bus would contain ideally 31 RT`s, one additional unit should be sufficient to expand the no of stubs from 16 to 32. More such units could be combined together to test both the buses (BUS A and BUS B) of MIL-STD-1553B system.
The unit also provides for monitoring of the selected bus, there shall be BNC connectors provided on the unit, which can be used to monitor the bus lines on an oscilloscope. This feature provides for measurement of rise and fall times on the bus lines.
The unit shall be powered with and external +5VDC power supply (Adapter provided along with the unit).
The unit to be used along with bus couplers only for multiplexing purposes and not for any bus extension.